Nuclear Topics & Countries

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Nuclear energy? No thanks! Declaration of Bulgarian, Greek and Turkish Greens

Only recently, Bulgaria and Greece started talks about the jointly construction of NPP Kozloduy-7&8 in Bulgaria using Greek money. Read the Declaration

Briefing Paper on Dukovany

The Czech Government and the Czech majority state-owned energy company ČEZ have undertaken several steps incl. state aid proposal advancing the preparation of the construction of one (or two) new nuclear unit of up to 1200 MW at the area of the current nuclear power plant Dukovany. The Czech state intends to provide up to…

Alarming results on geological risk at the Paks NPP site

The results of the peer reviewed report “NPP Paks II: Paleo-seismological assessment of the Siting Report and the Site License with respect to fault capability” showed that evidence for a capable fault at the site was swept under the carpet. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) guidelines, the Western European Nuclear Regulator’s Association…