Nuclear Topics & Countries

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EIA for the first SMR in Temelín/CZ

In December 2024, an Environmental Impact Assessment for a first so-called Small Modular Reactor (SMR) at the Temelín site was conducted. Calla submitted a statement in the scoping procedure. For further questions please contact:Edvard SequensCalla – Sdružení pro záchranu prostředíFráni Šrámka 35, 370 01 České Budějovicetelefony: +420 384 971 932, +420 602 282 399e-mail: edvard.sequens@calla.czweb:…

Nuclear Power Comeback: A Costly Revival?

Watch our new video! What’s the deal with the return of nuclear power? Experts from countries with new nuclear projects explain how taxpayers are expected to shoulder the enormous costs of new reactors for decades. But who’s really behind this comeback? Poorly advised governments and the geopolitical interests of the U.S. company Westinghouse, which has…

Nuclear Energy Conference in Prague

The tendering process for construction of new nuclear reactors has become a major topic of Czech public debate in the recent months. It is no wonder, as it concerns hundreds of billions of crowns and the parties are aware that the big project might fail. After all, the companies that participate in the tender have…

Workshop on Westinghouse NPP projects

The Joint Project organized this workshop on 18 June 2024 in Prague. The nuclear revival as it is termed by the nuclear lobby is strongly felt in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). A close look however makes clear that this high number of planned nuclear power plants is to be built by three reactor manufacturers…

NPP Paks in Hungary

Paks II is one of the most controversial new nuclear power plant construction projects in the EU. Apart from the general problems of nuclear energy utilisation (lack of economic efficiency, risk of accidents, unresolved nuclear waste disposal, etc.), the availability of balanced information for the public is not sufficient, especially in Hungary, also due to…

Does Bulgaria need new NPPs?

A hybrid discussion event on “The green transition in Bulgaria – opportunities, benefits and false solutions. Does Bulgaria need new nuclear power facilities?” was organised in Sofia by Za Zemiata on 29 March from 09:00-17:30 CET Speakers: Find here the recording of the English translation of the event Find here the documentation of the event…

French NPP for the Czech Republic?

One of the key topics of French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Prague will be efforts to support French state-owned EDF, which is bidding to build new nuclear reactors in the Czech Republic. But there is the failure to build new nuclear power plants on time and at the agreed price, not only abroad but…

Are Bulgarian reactor parts sold to Ukraine?

In July 2023, media reported that Ukraine has started discussions to purchase Bulgaria’s two Russian-made nuclear reactors that were foreseen for the Belene site with EU money. The Joint Project sent a letter to the European Commission to verify: We did not receive an answer, therefore we updated and re-sent the letter on 5 Feb…

Dukovany 5: from EIA to construction license

For the first time ever, NPP permitting procedures were open to NGOs beyond the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which is usually the only possibility for public participation. The transboundary EIA for Dukovany 5 took place in 2018 with hearings not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Vienna and Munich. However, the EIA was…

First NPP Poland: National EIA does not comply with the Aarhus Convention

On 9 August, 2023 the Joint Project NGOs and many other organizations – a total of 28 organizations from 11 countries – sent an open letter of protest to the EU Commissioner of the Environment, the EU Energy Commissioner and the Polish Espoo authority GDOŚ against the insufficient public consultation period provided by the Polish…