Nuclear Topics & Countries

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“Russian Grip on EU Nuclear Power” – updated study

An update of Patricia Lorenz’s study “Russian Grip on EU Nuclear Power” was commissioned by the Viennese Environmental Ombudsman and “Cities for a Nuclear Free Europe” (CNFE). The study analyses the European nuclear sector’s dependency on Russia. In particular, it also analyses possible EU strategies to reduce this dependency. The EU has not come any…

Energiaklub’s interview with Finnish regulator STUK

Joint Project partner Energiaklub published a series on interviews and infographics on the following topics: Interview with Director General Petteri Tiippana from Finnish regulator STUK (Finland wanted to construct the same reactor type as for Paks 2 but – in contrary to Hungary – abandoned the project shortly after Russia started the War on Ukraine)…

Alarming results on geological risk at the Paks NPP site

The results of the peer reviewed report “NPP Paks II: Paleo-seismological assessment of the Siting Report and the Site License with respect to fault capability” showed that evidence for a capable fault at the site was swept under the carpet. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) guidelines, the Western European Nuclear Regulator’s Association…