Nuclear Topics & Countries

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SEA for Slovakia’s nuclear waste management programme

The Slovak Republic amends its nuclear waste management programme and conducts a transboundary Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for this amendment. We welcome that the updated programme is subjected to a SEA (other EU member states refused a SEA on their programmes). Our statement on the SEA documents can be downloaded here.

Nuclear Power Comeback: A Costly Revival?

Watch our new video! What’s the deal with the return of nuclear power? Experts from countries with new nuclear projects explain how taxpayers are expected to shoulder the enormous costs of new reactors for decades. But who’s really behind this comeback? Poorly advised governments and the geopolitical interests of the U.S. company Westinghouse, which has…

NPP Borssele/NL: EIA on lifetime extension

The Borssele reactor is in operation since 1973, i.e. already for more than 50 years, so it is one of the oldest NPPs in the world. The Dutch Nuclear Energy Act defines that the Borssele lifetime is restricted to 2033. But the government under former Prime Minister Rutte decided to keep Borssele in operation beyond…