Nuclear Topics & Countries
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Aarhus Convention and Nuclear – Round Table
The Nuclear Transparency Watch network and the European Commission (DG ENER), [in coordination with ENSREG, ANCCLI and the EEB] were organising an Aarhus Convention and Nuclear (ACN) Round Table on “Implementation of the Nuclear Safety Directive: transparency, public participation, and the role of civil society in independent nuclear regulation” from 21-22 January 2025.Gabriele Mraz provided…
EIA for the first SMR in Temelín/CZ
In December 2024, an Environmental Impact Assessment for a first so-called Small Modular Reactor (SMR) at the Temelín site was conducted. Calla submitted a statement in the scoping procedure. For further questions please contact:Edvard SequensCalla – Sdružení pro záchranu prostředíFráni Šrámka 35, 370 01 České Budějovicetelefony: +420 384 971 932, +420 602 282 399e-mail: edvard.sequens@calla.czweb:…
SEA for Slovakia’s nuclear waste management programme
The Slovak Republic amends its nuclear waste management programme and conducts a transboundary Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for this amendment. We welcome that the updated programme is subjected to a SEA (other EU member states refused a SEA on their programmes). Our statement on the SEA documents can be downloaded here.