Nuclear Topics & Countries

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Participation in the ENSREG Topical Peer Review II on Fire Protection

The Joint Project participates in this second Topical Peer Review II because fire protection is very important for nuclear safety. 2025-03-27: Last Stakeholder Meeting The 2nd (and last) stakeholder meeting will take place on 27 March 2025. Results of the TPR II will be presented, followed by an opportunity for discussion. The Joint Project intends…

Aarhus Convention and Nuclear – Round Table

The Nuclear Transparency Watch network and the European Commission (DG ENER), [in coordination with ENSREG, ANCCLI and the EEB] were organising an Aarhus Convention and Nuclear (ACN) Round Table on “Implementation of the Nuclear Safety Directive: transparency, public participation, and the role of civil society in independent nuclear regulation” from 21-22 January 2025.Gabriele Mraz provided…

EIA for the first SMR in Temelín/CZ

In December 2024, an Environmental Impact Assessment for a first so-called Small Modular Reactor (SMR) at the Temelín site was conducted. Calla submitted a statement in the scoping procedure. For further questions please contact:Edvard SequensCalla – Sdružení pro záchranu prostředíFráni Šrámka 35, 370 01 České Budějovicetelefony: +420 384 971 932, +420 602 282 399e-mail: edvard.sequens@calla.czweb:…