
Does Bulgaria need new NPPs?


A hybrid discussion event on “The green transition in Bulgaria – opportunities, benefits and false solutions. Does Bulgaria need new nuclear power facilities?” was organised in Sofia by Za Zemiata on […]

Small Modular Reactors in CZ Republic


Launch of a study: “Perspectives of Small Modular Reactors in the Czech Republic” – Jan 2024: English version also available! The study was presented in October 2023 by the author Stephen Thomas, Eme […]

Symposium “Nuclear power in the age of new threats”


The Joint Project online symposium examined the situation of the war in Ukraine and other military and terror threats on nuclear power plants. The attacks on Zaporishia NPP shocked the world, because […]

Joint Project Webinar: The EPR – the future of nuclear expansion or rather a failed technology?


Taxonomy including nuclear, electricity prices soon to make new nuclear economic and the industry claiming nuclear plants are ready to battle the climate crisis shows a need for reorientation of anti […]

Joint Project Webinar on Taxonomy and Small Modular Reactors (SMR)


On July 6, 2022 the European Parliament voted to include gas and nuclear in the EU taxonomy. This leads to the inclusion of the so-called Advanced Reactors as a Green transitional technology. In our […]

Joint Project Webinar on actual status of deep geological repository preparation and impact on EU taxonomy


Nuclear waste management or rather the lack of it has been the nuclear industry’s Achilles’ heel. Now more than ever industry claims having found the solution, the first Deep Geological Repositories […]

Joint Project Webinar: EIA on NPP lifetime extension: How to make use of the new rules for your campaigning


The Joint Project was preparing this webinar to provide support for NGOs and the public to initiate and join an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedure for the life-time extension of nuclear […]

Alarming results on geological risk at the Paks NPP site


The results of the peer reviewed report “NPP Paks II: Paleo-seismological assessment of the Siting Report and the Site License with respect to fault capability” showed that evidence for a capable fau […]