Nuclear Topics & Countries

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Siemens Energy must immediately terminate its business relations with ROSATOM – countermotions at the Annual General Meeting of Siemens Energy

Despite the withdrawal from Russia, business continues with ROSATOM. The Association of Ethical Shareholders requests in its countermotions that this business is terminated. Read here the answer of Siemens Energy (in German only). At the Annual General Meeting of Siemens, Vladimir Slivyak/Ecodenfense, Patricia Lorenz/Friends of the Earth Europe and Sebastian Rötters/urgewald spoke. Find here the…

Environmental Impact Assessment for the first NPP in Poland

Poland wants to build its first NPP. In 2015, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) started with a scoping phase, since Nov 2022 the next phase is conducted. The EIA Report and other documents in English and German language can be found here. The public consultation for the transboundary EIA was open between midth November and…

Public consultation on Posiva’s operation license application for the Finnish High Level Waste repository

Posiva is the operator of the future Finnish high level waste repository at the Olkiluoto site. The company submitted its application for the operation license for the HLW repository and an encapsulation plant in Dec. 2021. The public had time until Sept 2022 to comment on this application. The Joint Project submitted a comment focussing…

NPP Dukovany 2/CZ: Public consultation on the state aid procedure

On 30 June 2022, the Commission notified Czechia of its decision to initiate this procedure laid down in Article 108(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Interested parties could submit their comments on this topic. Joint Project supported the comment of Global 2000. Furthermore, comments were submitted by Calla and South…

New study on Small Modular Reactors (SMR) in Estonia by Madis Vasser

The study gives a brief overview of the history of nuclear energy in Estonia – the Soviet era plans, the joint failure of the baltic states and the rise of the current private push for nuclear. It then details how the nuclear meme has entered into governmental planning documents. Following this, some fresh reports specifically…

Study “Russian Grip on EU Nuclear Power”

Patricia Lorenz and Vladimir Slivyak analysed the EU dependency on the Russian nuclear industry in a study and presented it in an online press conference. More information on the press conference and the study (scroll to 4 May 2022: Russian Grip on EU nuclear power and the need for an embargo) Article of March 2022

Nuclear energy? No thanks! Declaration of Bulgarian, Greek and Turkish Greens

Only recently, Bulgaria and Greece started talks about the jointly construction of NPP Kozloduy-7&8 in Bulgaria using Greek money. Read the Declaration

Briefing Paper on Dukovany

The Czech Government and the Czech majority state-owned energy company ČEZ have undertaken several steps incl. state aid proposal advancing the preparation of the construction of one (or two) new nuclear unit of up to 1200 MW at the area of the current nuclear power plant Dukovany. The Czech state intends to provide up to…

Environmental Impact Assessment on the life-time extension of Loviisa 1&2, Finland

NPP Loviisa consists of two units, Loviisa 1 and 2. Loviisa 1 started commercial operation in 1977 and Loviisa 2 in 1980. The NPP is owned by Fortum Power and Heat Oy. The current operating licence issued by the Finnish government is valid until the end of 2027 and 2030, respectively. Fortum wants to extend…